
Piece of Rotten Meat - Arthur Kade Seriously Worries About Being Too Good Looking

Arthur, take it from us: the absolute LAST thing you need to worry about is being too good looking. What you need to worry about is that failed dye job, those giant eyebrows, the rapey eyes, the busted up, gigantic nose, the hideous nostrils, the bloody lips, the mouth spittle, the halitosis, the adult acne, and the oily skin.

The latest from arthurkade.com:
Ultra Good looking people always have a tough time being taken seriously both in the dating world, as well as the professional world, and one of the things that I was questioning with one of my girlfriends over the phone today was are my looks getting in the way of booking certain auditions, as well as hot girls taking me seriously because I am too good looking, a celebrity, and a soon to be household name named Arthur Kade. While out in Old City last night, a pretty black girl came up to me, and did a double take, and then said, “You’re?? Oh My God, You’re Arthur Kade”, and I could tell that once she had seen me in real life, she was so blown away at how much better looking I am than I come up even on camera, that it almost startled her, and I could see her blushing just from meeting me even though she was black and it was hard to tell. It really got me thinking about how I always had dreamed about having any girl I want throw themselves at me while growing up, and now that all of my dreams are coming true, and people recognize everywhere, are girls and employers too intimidated by The Brand, and the celebrity of “The Journey” to look at me as more than a “Piece of Meat”.
Over the last few weeks, I have made out with many girls in various places between NYC and Philly (I actually made out with multiple girls just in NYC alone at the Premier VMA After Parties that I dominated), and as I was talking to one of my girlfriends today I asked, “I am pretty much hooking up with any girl I want, but I think they look at me as purely this celebrity that will use them and abuse them, and I’m not sure I want to have all or any of them, but it’s like they get a thrill out of just knowing they made out with or got groped by Arthur Kade, and then cut it to go brag to their friends. Should I be proud this is happening because I’m this huge conquest for them, or upset that girls have no account for my feelings and totally just look at me as this piece of meat?” She responded by saying, “Girls look at you differently now because you’ve totally put yourself out there, and now that you’re famous and about to blow up, it’s gonna be hard for them to take you seriously. Plus, you treat them the same way, and I think they are trying not to let you get close because they know once they sleep with you, you have the upper hand, and can hurt them, but until then it’s just fun and they hooked up with Mr. Kade himself who only hooks up with 9’s and 10’s”. I told her, “I fell like George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Colin Farrell because these girls know the coin is coming and want to jump me like a high school sweetheart so I always have my guard up.” (Sometimes the Gen Pop and it’s anonymity is kind of refreshing, but I have chosen the life of a celeb, and have to deal with it’s “Plasticness”), but once in a while it would be nice to lay on my couch and not get texted because I’m Arthur Kade, the Celebrity.
This really got me thinking about the double standard that I may have created where girls may want to just use me for hooking up and sex, and never take me seriously because they may want to send a message to me that they can do to me what I do to them. The problem with that is, that they are losing out on a chance that if they perform well, or really impress me with their skills, we may be able to hang sexually for a week or so, and then they can get themselves in The Public Eye and maybe even advance their career, or at the very least get the chance to get to know me, and realize that Arthur Kade is a tremendous individual that can be learned from, and they can better their life because I will help the way they look and act, and help them make better career decisions.
One of the girls from NYC texted me, and I could tell that she wanted to get together and experienece The Brand at it’s fullest, but even though she was an NYC 8.5, I just felt like she was just looking to use me because of who I am and what I have accomplished. Sometimes I just want to head to a small town in California (I picked that state because even in small towns in CA, there are gorgeous girls unlike any other states), and meet girls who have never heard of “The Journey” and The Brand, but then I realize that if they do find out about it then they will try to wife me harder, so I midas will date 10’s from KA and NYC and save the trouble of them finding out.
Here is a video of the exercise Sharon puts me through to get into character for a monologue where I improv a scene similar to the scene I am about to play and a picture of me in glasses that a giel thought made me look very “Professorish and Mature Sexy”, and maybe should add it to my acting pics (I think the contrast with my hair looks great here, and it may be worth keeping my Blond Lochs and gettig fake glasses for a new “Kade Style” look.
“Sometimes Arthur Kade is a lonely road with a bright ending ahead with his “”Little Oscar”"”…Arthur Kade…09/16/09


  1. I know he's a train wreck, and people can't resist, but I really wish media outlets would stop giving him the attention he so desperately does not deserve

  2. fuck that - media outlets need to read this shit and call him out on his lies. All of these radio host have just let him talk. a 6th grader coold win a debate against him

  3. IF they would ever do that. it seems like they are all pussies, so hopefully mancow will own his ass, especially since dipshit has built him up to be the Stern of the Midwest

  4. i emailed Mancow this morning and told him to research this assclown and then call him out on his shit. Do the same. his email is on their site.

  5. i just want GN to come on here again and freak out

  6. I just sent an email to Mancow telling him how his fanbase will grow exponentially if he owns dipshit's ass.

  7. He should have just told the truth and said the reason he became a priest is so he could fuck little boys and have the Pope cover it up.

  8. Probably not the way to go about it, but...

    To Mancow:

    I know you're a very pale imitation of Howard Stern so I don't expect you to actually call Arthur Kadyshes out on all his lies, but why don't you try?


  9. Arthur says on his Twitter, "more color coming 2mrw...might go darker per producer for photoshoot." FUCKING LIAR! I thought he died his hair in the first place because the producer told him to???

    The follicular barbs are obviously getting to him. Keep that smelly fedora pulled tight, Kade!

  10. Nice baby shit brown hair peasant.

  11. lol the producer probably called him and said it wasn't what he wanted. Probably because Arthur looks like EVEN MORE of a fucking idiot with that dye job. It doesn't matter because whatever this gay doctor shit is all about will never see the light of day, not with this poor excuse for an actor in it.

  12. Seriously. Just mindless, delusional drivel. He's lost it - clearly. There is no way in hell that his female friend said that to him.

    From now on, I'm really only interested in two things happening to Arthur:

    #1 - His life falling apart (the blowoff was pretty hysterical)

    #2 - Saying/doing utterly "ridic" stuff like thinking about incest with his daughter, posting pictures of obese kids online, comparing himself to the heroes of 9/11.

    Everything else is the same-old, same-old

  13. Know him "sexually" for a whole week? Oh, my god. YOU STUD. TAKE ME NOW.


  14. You know, after listening to that monologue...I really think Arthur is a Parseltongue.

  15. BTW...there's not a chance in hell that monologue wasn't written for Kade, because if it really was improved (oh God I can't believe I'm saying this) it wasn't all that bad.

  16. Arthur Kade visits ‘small town. Ca.’…

    Arthur: OK everyone, that’s what a balls ass bus ride Kade style is like (which I dominated)

    Female voice on bus: God he smells bad

    Arthur: I know how great you must feel knowing you were so close to a celebrity and a-lister and famous blog personality and how you know I’ll be the best at what I do and you’ll have seen me looking for a 9 or 10 that doesn’t know who I am so she doesn’t try to just get star fucked by the greatest up and coming in the biz who will be sleeping with the little yellow guy. KADE OUT!

    Female voice: Is that cumb in your hair?

  17. Kade style? All I see is the discolored nozzle of an old reusable douche bottle.

  18. I'm so excited to "meet" the "biggest" most up-and-cumbing celebrity in the "BIz".Can't wait to get down on my knees and "slob" some "knob", my neck-beard's getting all tingly already. "Virgin" no more!

    G-N's "Handler" told me that if I do a good job polishing Arthur's "Little Oscar", I'll get free tickets to the Lingerie League football games, where all of the "Elite" meet to "eat" Hot Pockets.

    Should be great!

  19. KAIDS not finding the transition to molester priest that difficultSeptember 17, 2009 at 4:32 AM

    I'll be constructive for once.

    Here's the thing Arthur. I was sitting here, thinking how I would do that character. At first I thought, what if I was just being myself doing it? I would sound similar to you, except without the lisp and slight vocal inflections that you can only have if you're a member of a race of subsurface dwelling lizard people.

    Anyway, the point is, on my first run, I would sound like myself, describing a different life. That wouldn't really be acting, because I'm simply saying things in the way I'm comfortable with.

    Take Ed Norton (possibly another lizard man). When he talks in interviews, he's almost unbearable. But when you see him pull off a character, it's like watching a completely different person inhabit his body.

    Kind of like what you do when you steal skin and make a patchwork human suit. But you have to adopt the personality, the mannerisms...oh fuck it.

    You're obviously not giving the slightest effort.Slither back to your sewers and tell the other lizards that there is nothing up here for them. We mammals shun you, and your unnatural nictitating eyelids.

  20. My gf once died her hair blond and then brown. The result was a beautiful green hue. Good luck with that artfart.

  21. Okay are you retarded Artie? You says "midas will date 10s from KA". It's "might as well". Seriously?

    And the reason you are not getting any jobs if the producer has ever heard of you is because they know that people will boycott their show/movie if you are in it! Just end it already.

  22. It will be greatly appreciated if from now on GN (a.k.a. – the grinder) would be referred to as the ‘saline kween’. I thank you in advance for your cooperation.

  23. That monologue wasn't half bad....the cunt's improving

  24. Kego…

    The Rolling Stones album “Some Girls”… Look at the cover art and you’ll see the wig named ‘some girls’. I think this will be a good choice when all your hair falls out from fucking with it. (Not that it matters, it was going fast anyway) Please consider this suggestion. I believe it would fit “the brand” perfectly. Midas will, you’re going to have to do something, without hair those eyebrows are going to dominate, Kade style.

  25. the same level of comfort that father john game him. oh wow. and his relationship with donald the young boy. this has to be a joke

  26. His spelling is terrible...is he drunk?
