
Lets Help Kevin Brueck!

Kevin has asked for vote on whether Episode 2 of The Journey should be acting coach or the car. What do you guys think?


  1. Acting coach.

    LGW I know you've been on call all night in the Veterinary hospital saving the lives of cute furry animals with forward facing eyes that make them even cuter, and making the world a better place an'all BUT...


  2. i love how Kevin laughs when he says the name of this site

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KawDbE93_Tk

  4. Acting coach AND the car.

    No! Acting coach IN the car!

    No, wait... wait... The acting coach IS the car!

    Oh Mr. Brueck. Whatever you do it will be great and we will love you for it all the more.

  5. @ Jew Steel - I posted the update a few mins ago.

  6. @ LWK

    Thanks - I've been looking forward to that all day. He's got a new post btw about DJAM.

  7. acting coach all the way!!!

  8. easiest question ever -- acting coach... arthur's acting coaches are totally ripping him off!! would love to see a video on this

  9. Acting Coach.

    But I'm really looking forward to the 'Stepmom cutting my hair' episode.

  10. Well it seems people want to see Arthur get an acting coach first. I've already shot the car episode and I have to tell you guys you will not be disappointed. I'll reveal here that Arthur will do ANYTHING to get a good deal on his car and I do mean ANYTHING (wink). I can only hope that the next couple of episodes piss him off even more. After watching his last couple videos with this annoying "the kween" character I'll have to incorporate that into his first lesson with the acting coach somehow.

  11. THE KWEEN is the worst character I've ever seen. So shitty, so shallow, it's not even worth being called a character. Queen Elizabeth was elegant, well spoken, educated, and proper... there's no relation between her and Arthur Kadyshes' abomination.

  12. Hi Kevin..your videos are great..when is episode two gonna hit the interweb???

  13. I'm not sure when episode two will hit the web. Originally I wanted episode two to focus on Arthur getting a car and getting an acting coach. I shot all the car stuff and its pretty long. There's just so many funny things about it that I decided to split up the car buying plot and the acting coach plot into separate episodes. In my latest Friday Show I'm letting the viewers decide what Arthur should do next: get a car or get an acting coach. So far its a landslide for Arthur getting a coach so I have to film that probably this week. The car episode is almost ready to go though.

    After that I have a few ideas as to where I'm gonna take it. One idea would be to have Arthur trying to get into some of the hottest clubs in LA and get denied by the bouncers. I think that has so many comedic possibilities. Another would be a day at the gym with Arthur. We'll see though. As 'the kween' would say, "Stay tuned bitches!"

  14. Kevin Brueck: the man becoming famous from Arthur Kade. Kade isn't even making himself famous, he's fuelling someone else's Journey.

    Priceless irony right there.

    Brueck Out.

  15. Looking forward to the new ep, Kevin! Although the guy you have playing Arthur is way too attractive and normal. At least now we have something nicer to look at.

    Arthur really is either just taking the piss, or is genuinely delusional with that ridiculous Kween character. I'm going with the latter. I don't think he has ever seen Queen Elizabeth speak, and as a resident of the Commonwealth I find it offensive that he would compare that tripe to her.

    And I'm a republican (as in, not a monarchist). I look forward to the day when the UK can no longer truly consider itself an empire, and more importantly, all countries currently in the Commonwealth are independent. But honestly, Arthur, have some fucking respect.

    And while we're at it, I don't really see where Mr Belvedere fits in either.

  16. TattooedLunaChic/VegasGrrlAugust 31, 2009 at 8:59 AM


    Can you perhaps do a parody of when Artie had those nekkid photos? Just 'cause I would like to see some nekkid (or just shirtless - I can use my imagination)pics of YOU.
    Looking forward to your next video!

  17. The guy that's playing Arthur Kade, Joel Hebner, told me that we could use his gym whenever we wanted so I think eventually there will be a "workout episode" where Arthur pumps some iron, shirtless, with tons of homoerotic undertones. That video of him and his trainer is more gay than a Pet Shop Boys music video. As for me taking my shirt off we'll see. I wouldn't want to blow out the iris on my camera because of my pasty white irish skin:)
